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The Care Connection in Amherst is among organizations that support Every Bottom Covered. 

Univera Healthcare is providing $10,000 in financial support to Every Bottom Covered, a diaper bank in Buffalo.

A diaper bank is like a food bank that distributes diapers.

Every Bottom Covered also will partner with organizations who have like-minded missions to help low-income families.

“More than ever, there are people who need basic necessities for their families, like diapers,” said Art Wingerter, Univera Healthcare president. “We are committed to helping families in our community keep their children healthy.”

Most child-care centers, even free and subsidized facilities, require parents to provide a day’s supply of disposable diapers. This means many parents cannot go to work or school if they cannot leave their babies at child care.

“Receiving this grant helps Every Bottom Covered ensure that no child’s bottom will be left uncovered by helping us to purchase more diapers and wipes and begin to expand into communities that may not always be able to get to the Delavan Grider Community Center,” said Raziya Hill, Every Bottom Covered executive director and founder.

The organization is in the Delavan Grider Community Center. Learn more at