The Junior League of Lincoln and Center for People in Need are launching Lincoln's first diaper bank.
The Junior League of Lincoln and Center for People in Need are launching Lincoln's first diaper bank.
The groups kicked off a diaper drive this week during National Diaper Need Awareness Week, as declared by Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird. It continues through Oct. 23.
Diapers of all sizes are welcome, but sizes 5 and 6 are the most requested. The drive also accepts baby wipes and diaper cream. All donations must be unopened.
"Diaper need impacts the physical, mental, and economic wellbeing of children and families," said Hannah Norman, president of the Junior League of Lincoln. "One in three families with young children in the U.S. struggle with diaper need, and the poorest 20% of Americans who buy diapers spend nearly 14% of their post-tax income on diapers."
The diaper bank will collect, store and distribute free diapers to existing agencies such as Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties. Membership in the diaper bank is limited, but organizers hope to expand to additional agencies next year.
“There’s an estimated 6,000 children in Lancaster County that are going to be needing diapers,” Norman said.
She said a diaper need can be defined as the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or child clean, dry and healthy.
“Children who are left in dirty or reused diapers for long periods of time frequently get diaper rash, urinary tract infections and other bacterial infections,” Norman said.
Norman said government programs do not recognize diapers as a basic need, and so the only federal assistance program that covers diaper costs in Nebraska is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. The program primarily covers expenses such as electric bills, water bills, rent and transportation, which leaves little assistance for diapers.
“Diapers can cost anywhere between $70 to $80 a month per child,” Norman said. “Often, families have to decide whether they want to purchase diapers that month or some other necessity for their family.”
Norman said the diaper bank started when the Center for People in Need noticed an increase in people asking for diaper supplies. The nonprofit knew diaper banks existed in other parts of the country and decided to establish one in Lincoln with the help of the Junior League.
“It makes me so happy, and I’m so proud to be a part of it,” Norman said. “I’m happy that we’re able to fulfill a need.”
Diapers, wipes or diaper cream can also be dropped off at AT Thomas (6420 O St.), Country Sliced Ham and Café (6900 O St., Suite 120), Jazzercise South (6333 Apples Way), the Urban Farmhouse Room (3900 Yankee Hill Road) or the Coffee Roaster (5022 Old Cheney Road).
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Reach the writer at nsaenz@journalstar.com or 402-473-7223.
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September 25, 2020 at 06:00AM
Lincoln's first diaper bank created to help families in need - Lincoln Journal Star
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